Saturday, October 18, 2014

Some number theory questions

  1. For all n > 1, n does not divide 2n1.
    Proof: Suppose not. Then n is odd as 2n1 is odd. Let p be the smallest prime dividing n. We have (p1,n)=1. By division algorithm, n=q(p1)+k for some integers q and k with 0<k<p. By Fermat’s Little Theorem, 2p11 (mod p), so 2k(2p1)q2k2n1 (mod p). This results in a contradiction by infinite descent.

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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Universal enveloping algebra

For a complex Lie algebra 𝔤, we can define its universal enveloping algebra U(𝔤) as the complex associative algebra T(𝔤)/I where T(𝔤) is the tensor algebra over 𝔤 and I is the ideal generated by {XYYX[X,Y]:X,Y𝔤}. We have the natural map ι:𝔤U(𝔤). The universal enveloping algebra satisfies the following universal property:

For any complex associative algebra A and linear map f:𝔤A satisfying [f(X),f(Y)]=f(X)f(Y)f(Y)f(X) for all X,Y𝔤, there is a unique algebra homomorphism f:U(𝔤)A such that f=fι.

Theorem (Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt). Let {X1,,Xm} be a basis for 𝔤. Then {(ιX1)n1(ιXm)nm:n1,,nm0} is a basis for U(𝔤).

Sunday, June 8, 2014


Last night I had dinner with Brian. We talked about a lot of things, from social issues, politics to love affairs. One interesting question we discussed is why quite some friends in our circles are still single, given that they are very good persons. We didn’t arrive at a definite conclusion, but I believed that one factor is that our circle consists of people who are independent. Anyway, I wish every one of my friends can find his/her Miss/Mr. Right.

Recently Brian is reading a book about the philosophy of travel. The author is Alain de Butoon. It seems that he had written some interesting books. I hope I can find some time to read one.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Test post 2





Test post

The Lie bracket of 𝔤𝔩(n,) is given by


The following is due to Euler:

n=11ns=p prime11ps.




There are three crazy guys in mathematics:

  1. Hilbert
  2. von Neumann
  3. Grothendieck

滾滾長江東逝水 浪花淘盡英雄

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    cout << "Good!!!" << endl;


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